Michael BugejaSep 8, 20202 min60+: ALBUM ĠDID MINGĦAND PHILIP VELLAIntervista ma’ Philip Vella: rebbieħ ta’ L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2019 u mistieden speċjali fl-edizzjoni 2020 Philip Vella se jkun qiegħed...
Michael BugejaMay 31, 20203 minSEMPLICIMENT TAT-TRIQ'S IL-PARAGUN TURNS 10 !On June 1, 2010, a song by the name of Il-Paragun (the comparison) was posted on Effetti Kollaterali's YouTube channel. One of the prime...
Michael BugejaDec 13, 20194 minFREDDIE PORTELLI TO KICK OFF 2020 WITH A NEW SINGLEAs Freddie Portelli prepares to kick off the New Year with a new single, his daughter Claudette talks about her father's influence on her...
Michael BugejaJun 6, 20191 minMALTACORE.COM INTERVIEW WITH MIKE BUGEJAThanks to Jean Paul Azzopardi for his interest, support and time to produce this interview. Click on the photo to read the full article...
Michael BugejaJan 31, 20108 minTHE PRODIGY: INVASION ALERTBlackpool’s Empress Ballroom is an amazing building, its décor breath-taking. Built in 1896, the place forms part of the Winter Gardens...