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  • Writer's pictureMichael Bugeja


War is Blood is the title of new Maltese metal band Delirium. The 5-piece band first got together in 2019, and since then, these younf musicians have focused on building a solid repertoire; the first taste of which is this riveting song with a powerful message.

In a statement, the band said that their debut release was inspired by factors that relate to war, particularly the price humanity has to pay in terms of the repercussions of mental health of those affected direcrtly or indirectly by the conflict. "The song is about the propaganda by leaders who promote the glory of war and how they will be known as saviors of their homelands", the band wrote. Their lies are deceptively sold as patriotism to young soldiers who then manifest what they have been led to believe by attacking the enemy, without realizing the price they themselves will eventually pay for causing the suffering, either through the effects of PTSD or through being ostracized by society as damaged goods. It is a sentiment that unravels into the obvious consequence of hardship, conflict and ultimately bloodshed; unfortunately, a situation that is at this time all too familiar as represented in Russia's senseless invasion of the Ukraine.

The song itself is a curious blend of engaging metal riffage and a consistent melodic undercurrent, the latter especially punctuated by the effective use of piano at the heart of the guitar-driven progressions. It is a solid start for this young band, which augurs well for their debut live performance opening for Lord Adder at The Garage in Zebbug on April 8, 2022. For event details, click here.

Band Members:

Matthew Cilia: Vocals

Ethan James German: Guitar

Aidan Falzon: Bass

Maria Borg: Piano

Karen Micallef: Drums

For more information about Delirium, visit



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